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100% Anonymous

From payments, to usernames, to photos, to data. You will not be discovered by your co-workers, bosses, family, spouse, or anyone you know.

Conversations Matter

The more mutually engaging conversations you have with other members, the more you start to unlock with each other. We encourage our members to get deep with each other - get to the real soul of the person. If you want surface, join another dating app.

Pay To Play

For our impatient users, you can pay the one you fancy to request to see non-blurred photos, request an in-app phone call or video call.



With an upgraded subscription, members can unlock the ability to share and listen to audio clips with your matches. We're confident that tone plays an important role in a relationship.

Filter By Topics

Top level topics and keywords are a great way to get closer to your person. Drill down a bit more and find someone even more special. Our top level topics are a great place for discovery.


Highlights are a simple, swipe-able contextual feature that appears in the main tabs on the native apps and throughout the website. Highlights do what they are named after, they highlight you so other incredible people notice you more. Highlights are available as a subscription member benefit.



Being discovered as an A-list celebrity is not going to help you attract a real catch. You'll probably catch something else instead. To find someone who values your soul, you will need to hide your identity, not fake it by posting a fake photo of yourself on other relationship apps. We protect your identity so you can be you!

The High Earner

We protect our users privacy, which inherently promotes a foundation of trust. As part of our application process, we ask our members for income, debt, education, career, and other important data that can help align your financial goals with your sweethearts goals - instead of finding yourself in a difficult and unbalanced financial situation on the first date.

All Ages

Well, our lawyers tell us our members must be at least 18 years of age to join... We tend to believe that love comes at many stages in life, at any age.

All Genders / No Genders

We embrace and welcome all genders to join our community. We currently have a selection of over 50 genders to select from. We support LOVE, EQUALITY and PEACE and truly want to help you find your person without fear or exploitation.


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